Avocado Toast

A Brief History

Hold My Avocado

Among many other names, Millennials have often been called the "Avocado Toast" generation. A name that was originally meant as derogatory has become a symbol for many of us to unite behind.

It All Started With a Meme

Australian and millionaire property guru, Tim Gurner was fed up with Millennials complaining about how expensive housing costs. In his mind, Millennials could not afford homes not due to world disasters, but because they spend all of their money on frivolous things. Avocados and coffee being two of the big culprits!

While I think it's ridiculous to spend $5 (or more) on coffee, these purchases are not what prevents many Millennials from purchasing homes. From there, Time Magazine published an article that quoted Tim as blaming avocado toast.

As you may imagine, the public did not act favorably toward Mr. Gurner. His comments and willingness to double down on his statement further showed our generation how out-of-touch he, and many other older generations, are about Millennial struggles.

Unfortunately, this is a fight that we've been in for many years and one that is likely to continue. I can't remember a time when things got less expensive and with housing and interest rates doing what they're doing now, who knows what the future holds.

So hold my avocado, the struggle is real. But you got this!

Name That Pop Punk Tune

This is a brand new section and I'm not quite sure if it will work, but what the hell?!

You'll find my poor attempt at performing a vocal cover of a small section of a pop punk song. It may be a classic or a new song from an artist you've never heard of.

This week's is a classic.

Listen to the real version HERE and follow the artist on Twitter HERE.

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