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  • Episode 2 | What Doesn't Kill You

Episode 2 | What Doesn't Kill You

"Stronger," Kelly Clarkson

What Doesn't Kill You

What do you think about the graphics? You won't believe how much the graphic designer charged me. Just kidding, it was free. I was messing around on Canva and put this together.

If I could pick two things that describe our generation, it's figuring things out/DIY and avocado toast. Fun fact, the fist time I ever had avocado toast was two months ago. I know, I know, I'm must not a real millennial and you probably want to unsubscribe. I would too...

Finance Banner w Background

A quick finance bite today showing GDP growth since 1980 (we were born). I find it interesting that while high in some years, the overall trend seems stagnant or slightly negative.

I'm no data scientist or economist but just wanted to make an observation. Is this a sign of things to come? We shall see!

gpd growth since 1980
Fitness Banner w Background

Stronger can often be a vague term. Being physically strong is important but it really doesn't mean much if you are mentally weak. There are a few simple things that people can implement into their daily lives to become stronger mentally and physically.

Increasing physical strength is pretty obvious, exercise. Picking up weight, destroying muscles and allowing them to repair back is what builds strength. Pushing your body past its limitations builds strength. Altering your diet along with exercising is another way. If you are feeding your body enough protein you will build more muscle and become even stronger. 

As far as mental strength, a really great habit is getting up early and creating a morning routine. Waking up with just enough time to get out the door is creating unnecessary stress and anxiety before your day even starts. Waking up before work and working out or reading or meditating or journaling before you have to head out the door creates habits that allow you to win the day before it begins. 

You have to be willing to get uncomfortable. You won't grow or build any type of strength if you stay in your comfort zone. If you want to live the same life and be the same, keep doing what you're doing. If you want to be better and be stronger, get uncomfortable. 

Follow Mike on Twitter @mike_schuessler

Family banner w background

Just because many of us got spanked (beaten) by our parents, doesn't mean that we should do it to our kids. Let's give our kids less trauma and emotional baggage than what we have.

Nostalgia banner w background

Do you remember T9 texting? I remember that I would click each number on the phone the appropriate amount of times for the letter I wanted. When someone showed me T9, my mind was blown.

My efficiency and telling my friends how little my parents understood about my life increased tenfold. T9 texting is like the ancient cousin of Apple/Android text recognition or autocorrect. If you had a typo, you could blame T9.


Each week, some sections will be longer than others. Sometimes a section will just be a few quick sentences. I don't want this to be a burden for you to read (or for me to write).

I know things are expensive right now and the whole world seems to have lost its mind. I know your Boomer parents who have no idea how the world works anymore love judge your parenting. I'm here to tell you that you've got this. It's going to be okay. 

Want to be a contributor?

Shoot me an email at [email protected] and we'll talk!